Hainan High People's Court Releases Ten Typical Cases Relating to Protecting Small and Medium Size Investors (IV)
案例四 Case 4
Cai XX V. Haikou X Agricultural Products Company, Wang XX,Wu Xzhe, Huang XX, Kong X, Wu Xren
(Dispute over Corporate Resolution)
公司决议 程序瑕疵 撤销决议
Corporate ResolutionProcedural FlawWithdrawal of Resolution
1. The company shall notify all shareholders of the convening of the shareholders’ meeting 15 days in advance.
2. Where the convening procedure or voting method of the shareholders’ meeting violatesthe provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the articles of association of the company, or the content of the resolution violates the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may, within 60 days from the date of resolution, request the Court for rescission of the resolution.
Articles 22, 39, 40, and 41 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China.
Haikou X Agricultural Product Company was incorporated on November 13, 2013. Cai XX,the legal representative, served as the executive director and manager of the company. There are three shareholders of the agricultural product company, namely: Cai XX, held 46.3% of the capital; Wang XX, held 25%; Wu Xzhe, held 28.7%. In fact, Cai XX held shares on behalf of Huang XX, Wang XX held shares on behalf of Kong X, and Wu Xzhe held shares on behalf of Wu Xren. Item (1) of the Rules of Procedure for the Third Shareholders’ Meeting under Article 5 (1) of the Articles of Association of the agricultural product company stipulates: "Regular meetings of the shareholders’ meeting shall be held once a year, on October 16 of each year. Regular meetings shall be held under the provisions of the Articles of Association of the company. Where shareholder(s) or supervisor(s) representing more than 1/10 of the voting rights proposes to convene an ad hoc shareholders’ meeting, an ad hoc meeting shall be convened. The first shareholders’ meeting shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder with the largest amount ofcapital contribution. Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders’ meeting in proportion to their capital contributions. The shareholders’ meeting shall be convened and presided over by the executive director, and notice shall be given to all shareholders 15 days before the convening of the shareholders' meeting.”
On March 3, 2020, Wu Xzhe (Wu Xren) and Wang XX (Kong X), as the shareholders of the agricultural product company, held the shareholders’ meeting without notifying the executive director, manager, and shareholder Cai XX of the company, and made a shareholders' resolution of the shareholders’ meeting. On March 22, 2020, Wu Xzhe (Wu Xren) and Wang XX (Kong X), as the shareholders of the agricultural product company, also held the shareholders’ meeting without notifying the executive director, manager, and shareholder Cai XX, and a shareholders' resolution was passed by the shareholders’ meeting. Cai XX requested to rescind such two shareholders’ resolutions of shareholders' meetings dated March 3 and March 22, 2020, on the grounds that the resolution procedure of the shareholders’ meeting violated laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of the company.
Xiuying Primary People's Courtissued theCivil Judgment(2020) Qiong 0105 MinChu No.2248 for this case:Withdraw the shareholders’ resolution of the shareholders' meeting of the agricultural product company dated March 3, 2020; withdraw the shareholders’ resolution of the shareholders' meeting of the agricultural product company dated March 22, 2020. None of the parties filed an appeal and the judgment is final and legally effective.
The court held that,in accordance withArticle 22 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, where the resolution passed by the shareholders’ meeting of the company violates the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, it shall be deemed invalid; Where the convening procedure or voting method of the shareholders’ meeting violates the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the articles of association of the company, or the content of the resolution violates the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may, within 60 days from the resolving date, request the Court to withdraw the resolution. Article 39 and Article 40 stipulate that the shareholders representing more than one-tenth of the voting rights, the board of directors and the board of supervisors representing more than one-third of the voting rights may propose to the board of directors to convene an ad hoc shareholders’ meeting. Where the board of directors is unable or fails to perform the duty of convening the shareholders' meeting, the board of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting;where the board of supervisors does not convene and preside over the meeting, the shareholders representing more than one-tenth of the voting rights may convene and preside over the meeting on their own.
In addition, pursuant to Article 41 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, notice shall be given to all shareholders 15 days before the convening of a shareholders’ meeting. Article 5 (1) of the Articles of Association of the agricultural product company and Item (1) of the Rules of Procedure for the Third Shareholders’ Meeting also have a similar statement: "Regular meetings of the shareholders’ meeting shall be held once a year, on October 16 of each year. regular meetings shall be held under the provisions of the Articles of Association of the company. Where a shareholder or supervisor representing more than 1/10 of the voting rights proposes to convene an ad hoc meeting of the shareholders’ meeting, an ad hoc meeting shall be convened. The first meeting of the shareholders’ meeting shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder with the largest capital contribution. The shareholders’ meeting shall be convened and presided over by the executive director, and notice shall be given to all shareholders 15 days before the convening of the shareholders' meeting.”
In this case, two ad hoc shareholders’ meeting were held on March 3 and March 22, 2020, where Wu Xzhe(Wu Xren) and Wang XX (Kong X), as shareholders of the agricultural product company, failed to propose to the Executive Director Cai XX for convening and presiding over the shareholders’ meeting; the Executive Director shall convene and preside over the shareholders’ meeting in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association of the company; and the two shareholders failed to notify the shareholder Cai XX of the company to attend the shareholders' meeting 15 days before the shareholders’ meeting is held. Cai XX claimed that the two shareholders' meeting resolutions dated March 3 and March 22, 2020shall be rescinded. The claim has factual evidence andshall be supported.
In accordance with Article 22 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China,where the convening procedures and voting method of a meeting of the board of shareholders or board of directors or a shareholders' meeting violates the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the articles of association of the company or the contents of the resolution violate the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may apply to a people's court within 60 days from the date of resolution for rescission of the resolution.The resolution passed by the board of shareholders, as the expression of intentfrom the relevant company's internal organization, shall have legal effect only if the resolution procedure (including the convening procedure and voting method of the meeting) and content are legal and fair; if there are defects and flaws in the procedure or content of the resolution, it shall not be regarded as the legitimate collective will of the company's internal organization, and shall be deemed invalid. For the purpose of protecting the interests of minority shareholders, it is an important means to grant the shareholders the right to take legal action against the defective expression of intent.
Procedural flaws mainly refer to any violation of the convening procedure and voting method with the laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association of the company. Where the convening procedure and voting method violate the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the articles of association of the company, or violate the articles of association of the company in content, the shareholders of the company may file a lawsuit to the people's court to safeguard their legal rights and interestsaccording to the provisions of the Company Law onresolution rescission.
来源:海南高院中文 公众号